Hotel Partially Open Bathroom

Hotel Partially Open Bathroom

What Is A Partially Open Bathroom? (Find Out Now!)

What Is A Partially Open Bathroom

When people hear certain phrases, it's normal to cringe. Among people who aren't always hip to new ways of remodeling a kitchen, it's normal to wince at the sound of the phrase "partially open bathroom." Though it sounds like you'd have to do your business in front of people, the truth is it's not as bad as you think it is. Did you ever wonder what this term really means?

A partially open bathroom means that the sink and mirror areas are in an open area that can be used communally, while the toilet and bathing portion of the room are behind stalls. This gives people a way to ensure that bathroom time can be maximized without decreasing privacy for people who need "me time."

Partially open bathrooms are increasingly popular among modern home designers as well as big-box hotels. Maybe it's time to get acquainted with this increasingly common style of bathroom.

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Table of Contents

  • The Definition Of A Partially Open Bathroom Layout
    • Why Do People Prefer Partially Open Bathroom Layouts?
    • Why Don't People Like Partially Open Bathroom Layouts?
  • Is Getting A Partially Open Bathroom A Good Idea?
  • Related Questions
      • What does a half-bath mean?
      • What is a bathroom with only a shower called?
      • What is a Jack and Jill bathroom?

The Definition Of A Partially Open Bathroom Layout

If you were worried about having no privacy in a partially open bathroom, you're not alone. It doesn't give a good first impression when you first hear the term. But, it's really not as bad or as awkward as it sounds. It basically means that the bathroom is split differently from most others.

In a fully closed bathroom, you have the sink, toilet, and bathing area all in one room. In a partially open bathroom, the sink and vanity areas are separate from the main bath. More specifically, the sink and vanity areas are an open, accessible area while the toilet and bathing area are in a separate room.

Why Do People Prefer Partially Open Bathroom Layouts?

There are a lot of reasons why this particular style of bathroom is taking the design world by storm. The truth is, most people find it to be a versatile option. Here's why it's becoming more common than ever before:

  • Partially open bathrooms are great for families that have a lot of members that fight over bathroom time.We all know how crazy it can get when you are trying to get ready for school in a family of eight, even if you're not from a big family. With large crowds, that sink time is priceless. If you have a partially open bathroom, you don't have to fight over who gets the bathroom with your sister who has to shower for half an hour.
  • In many cases, hotels use this layout because it gives the illusion of a more spacious bathroom.It's a way to trick your mind into thinking the area is bigger than it really is.
  • It also happens to be a big space saver.This is another reason why both hotels and short-term corporate housing complexes tend to prefer them. It allows you to have a smaller bathroom, which can translate into a lot of money saved in building supplies and real estate demands.
  • With some specific types of partially open bathrooms, you might find yourself among the trendy.For example, partially open bathrooms are pretty popular with spa groups. If you want to have a standing waterfall shower, having a sectioned off area makes sense. The same can be said for steam showers.

Why Don't People Like Partially Open Bathroom Layouts?

Though this bathroom layout has its diehard fans, the truth is that partially open bathroom layouts are still fairly fringe in mainstream homes. This is a fringe bathroom style for a reason. Well, actually, it's rarely found for multiple reasons. These include the following major factors:

  • Most people want to have a bathroom that has all the works inside the room.We all have a routine, you know. Most of us use the toilet, wipe, flush, then immediately go to the sink. When you have a partially open bathroom, that can get awkward, if you get my drift.
  • It can also create a somewhat awkward look to the room where the sinks are. While some partially open bathrooms can look elegant, the truth is that they often look a bit awkward. This is especially true if you're talking about hotel rooms where the bed is right next to the sink.
  • The risk of damage is also higher, and pricier.This is particularly true in "hotel-style" sink and bathroom layouts. In the open portion of the bathroom, there is often carpeting underneath the sink. If not underneath, you might see it near the sink. Should the sink have a leak, you will have a lot more damage to your home that needs to be fixed. This makes this a potentially serious liability.
  • There are very few moments where this setup makes a lot of sense.It's true. The fact is that you cannot expect most families to have that much of a squabble over bathroom sink use. In cases where you have a massive family and limited bathrooms, it makes sense. But, it doesn't make sense if you have a family of three, four, or five. Most of the time, people can wait their turns.
  • You need extra space to make it look good.It's okay to want a bathroom with a separate room for washups. It can look great. But it's more expensive and requires way more space.

Is Getting A Partially Open Bathroom A Good Idea?

Honestly, this is the type of bathroom layout that you really need to think about. In most cases, a partially bathroom isn't a good idea for an actual house. However, this doesn't mean that you have to avoid them altogether. If you have an apartment or are actively trying to design a hotel, a partially open bathroom can work pretty well.

If you want to get a partially open bathroom, you definitely have to proceed with some caution. This is a divisive type of bathroom layout that has to be done with care if you want it to turn out well. Even then, you may still have people who go, "Hey, that's a bit odd." Unless you have a massive family with limited bathroom space, this might not be a good idea.

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What does a half-bath mean?

A half-bathroom is a bathroom that has only two out of the four typical elements that make up a bathroom. In most cases, it's a sink and a toilet. In some cases, it could be a shower and a bath. Or a sink and a shower, if it is meant to be a place to clean up rather than a place where you do all the stuff. If your bathroom has three or more elements, it's a full bathroom according to standard lexicon.

What is a bathroom with only a shower called?

Let's say that you have a room that only has one element of a bathroom: a sink, a shower, a toilet, or a bathtub. This isn't quite a half-bath, since that requires you to have two elements in the room. This is actually called a quarter bath, or a .25 bath. So, if you have to list your home and have a room with a single sink or a toilet, you can add an extra .25 to your bathroom count. This is unusual to see in action, but it's doable.

What is a Jack and Jill bathroom?

Named after the old children's rhyme, a Jack and Jill bathroom is a single bathroom that is found between two bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own entry to the bathroom, and both entrances can be locked from within the bathroom. These types of bathrooms are meant to be shared and are considered to be a convenient way to streamline morning routines.

With that said, many people tend to find this a little strange nowadays. If you have kids that want their own bathroom, this might be the best way to make it happen.

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart is an expert writer, focusing on interior design and general home tips. Writing is her life, and it's what she does best. Her interests include art and real estate investments.

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